Home Page 1 Fee Structure Fee Structure First Second Third Fourth Total Due Date 29/06/24 30/09/24 30/12/24 28/02/25 Nursery 4750 4750 4750 4750 19,000 Jr.KG. 5125 5125 5125 5125 20,500 Sr.KG. 5625 5625 5625 5625 22,500 1-7 6250 6250 6250 6250 25,000 8 6500 6500 6500 6500 26,000 9-10 6625 6625 6625 6625 26,000 Fee payment rules and regulations. School fees is to be paid in four installments. A fine of Rs.100 will be charged if the installment is not paid on time Send photo/screen shot of online payment receipt with Student Name, Std and Div to 9321604279. To pay fees online account details, are as follows: Pre-Primary Bank name: Union Bank, Dombivli West A/c Name: Narkar Pre Primary English A/C Number: 520101265578417 IFSC: UBIN0905712 Primary Bank name: Union Bank, Dombivli West A/c Name: Rural Educ and Med Soc India CMS English School. A/C Number: 510101001781633 IFSC: UBIN0905712 Secondary Bank name: Union Bank, Dombivli West A/c Name: Rural Educ and Med Soc India CMS English School. A/C Number: 510101001871625 IFSC: UBIN0905712